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    Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington 


Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Here is the TAAGWC Newsletter - January 2019

  • 華府台灣同鄉會年會暨春節圍爐餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Meeting and Lunar New Year Celebration

  • 溫馨提醒-華府同鄉會會員繳交年費即可享會員優惠》TAA member to renew 2019 membership (please see link below)

  • 歡迎非會員朋友加入會員,亦可以享會員優惠喔》Non-member are encourged to join as member to take advantage of the memebership discount ( please see link below)

  • 台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講》TAAGWC speech event by Dr. Huang, Jun-Yi

  • 《華府台灣同鄉會 - 一月人物專訪- 梁永三 阿伯》-  Interview Archive with Liang Yung-Shan


1. 《華府台灣同鄉會年會暨春節圍爐餐會》- TAAGWC Annual Meeting and Lunar New Year Celebration



感謝您本年度對華府台灣同鄉會的關心及支持, 農曆即將邁入豬年, 同鄉會將在2/2/2019(週六) 11am - 2pm (10am - 11am Registration/Social time) 於華府僑教中心舉辦新年年會暨春節圍爐餐會。當天節目精彩豐富,含合唱團精心準備的民俗歌謠及其他表演節目、卡拉OK, 會務報告、新舊任理事介紹及選舉。此外, 我們另外備有豐富的抽獎活動, 煩請鄉親及早線上報名且敬請期待。(* 比照去年, 今年我們不會賣出額外的抽獎券, 只有出席者買午餐票才可以得到抽獎券。)

*** 務必及早線上報名,以便準備午餐***

Dear Members/Friends,

Happy new year! We greatly appreciate your support and care to TAAGWC this year. The lunar year of the Dog is approaching the end and we will step into the lunar year of the Pig. We’ll celebrate the traditional lunar new year on 2/2/2019 11am to 2pm (10am - 11am Registration/Social time) at the CCTECRO (901 Wind River Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878). This year, the program will include the participation of chorus performances of Taiwanese folk songs and more, annual reports, introduction of current board members, and new board members election. Besides, we will also prepare bunch of raffle drawings (more details will be provided later). Please stay tuned and register online as soon as possible. (* Like last year, we will not sell additional raffle tickets, only the registered attendee will be able to get a raffle ticket.)

Registration Link:

活動日期及時間 (Event Details):

日期 (Date): 2/2/2019 (Saturday) 11am – 2pm (10am - 11am開始登記入場; (10am - 11am Registration/Social time)

地點 (Location): 901 Wind River Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

售票資訊 (Ticket Information):

同鄉會會員每人 (TAAGWC Member): $15

非會員每人 (Non-Member): $20

孩童6-12歲 (Kids 6 – 12 yrs): $10

6歲以下不收費 (Kids Under 6): Free (Registration required)

** 請盡可能上網報名及付費為主,歡迎加入會員亦可以享會員優惠喔!網上付費使用PayPal,但是同鄉並不須要有帳號,請下移及選擇CreditCard付費方式。

2. 《溫馨提醒-華府同鄉會會員繳交年費即可享會員優惠》TAA active member to renew 2019 membership

2019 同鄉會會費 (Membership Fee):
全家 (Family) - $35; 個人 (Single) - $25  

For the TAA member to renew 2019 membership --


For the non-member who wants to join as members --

4. 台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講》TAAGWC speech event by Dr. Huang, Jun-Yi

Dear TAAGWC Members and Friends,

Event: 台語文專家黃俊益教授 演講
Time: Sunday 1/6/2019 1:45PM to 2:45PM
Location: Washington DC Taiwanese School  華府台灣學校(Cabin John Middle School (10701 Gainsborough Rd, Potomac, MD 20854)
Cosponsors: TAAGWC and WDCTS


華府台灣同鄉會與華府台灣學校將在1月6日星期日下午1點45分,在Cabin John Middle School 舉辦「台語有音就有字 - 台語文專家黃俊益教授演講」, 邀請您一起來參加。

黃俊益教授是台語文講師及作者, 他是紐約台灣人筆會邀請來年會演講的台語文專家,專程來華府與同鄉分享,  機會難得, 請不要錯過。

演講主題:  河洛話正解,正則,定音 -- 從「古字和台語古語」來証明台語有音就有字,且聲聲字字皆高古優雅,絕非現在通行的北胡語。

黃俊益:  一九四九年生。 台北醫學大學藥學系畢。   著作:「世說台語 」
作者幼時與祖父生活於三合院中,常對祖父吟詠漢詩時與講話時,同一字發不同音感到迷惑不解。及長,得閱各類版本古籍,始悟其中緣由。古籍:詩經、左傳、論語、孟子、史記、漢書、世説新語....等等五胡亂華以前的著作到處充斥台語特有辭 及句型,反倒是五胡亂華以後的唐、宋、元、明、清、書籍愈接近近代,愈不易見台語語 。                

另作者在FB粉絲專頁:@taiwanish 河洛話-台語正解。 可參照。

5. 《華府台灣同鄉會 - 一月人物專訪- 梁永三 阿伯》-  Interview Archive with Liang Yung-Shan

撰文: 李宜軒


 Taiwanese American Association Great Washington Chapter (TAAGWC) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.                        PO BOX 4888  Rockville, MD 20850

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